Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I don't know why I'm continually amazed every time it snows, but I can't say it's a bad feeling to have. It's good to be amazed by things... I think that it keeps you young at heart. Anyway, it's snowing again and our truck is prepared for it this time. We had studded tires put on the other day and now it's handling the road just fine. I'm taking it to get winterized tomorrow, so that we can start plugging it in at night. It's been dipping down into the single digits for the past week, so it's time to get on that. Since the snow has landed, we've seen a lot more people using their snow machines and a lot more moose. I guess the moose don't exactly blend anymore. Everyone's yard also looks a whole lot prettier with a blanket of snow disguising the random, half broken vehicles and unfinished summer projects. All in all, the snow has been good.
Chrissy snowing 15 degrees

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