Sunday, March 30, 2008


You know, you don't truly realize how much you love someone until you witness them being chased by a 1000 lb moose. Today Justin and I went on a leisurely ski up on the trails near Ballaine Lake. A moose encounter was really bound to happen sooner or later, but I didn't quite imagine it happening the way that it did. We were nearing the end of our ski when I saw a moose charging out of the brush ahead of me (this is where Justin was because he always skis way ahead of me). I guess Justin startled the moose and in turn began chasing him out of fear. I couldn't believe what I was seeing! This moose was a ski poles length away from Justin as he sped away. After my initial shock I started screaming Justin's name which then caught the attention of the moose. It looked back at me and then tore off the trail. I threw off my skis and by this time Justin had stopped to remove his. I was nearing tears when he yelled back to tell me to stop; that there was another moose on the other side of the trail (probably the baby). Now we were in even a bigger predicament. The mom was on one side, the baby on the other and I was going to have to cross between them to get up to where Justin was. Eventually another skier came along and we built something of an alliance in order to pass the moose safely. It gave me a real scare. When we came to a stop I kissed him and smiled knowing that I still had my husband in one piece. Love is a funny thing. Sometimes when you have it so good you forget how precious it is and how easily it can be taken away.


Anonymous said...

What's a Mom to do? Worry, be scared to death, be happy that you realize how much you love each other. All of the above I think.
Be safe!

The Mom

Anonymous said...

Actually I'm not anonymous. But I can never remember my frickin' password, so from now on I'll just sign off as "The Mom". OKay?

The Mom

Lena said...

don't know you guys, but good story!