Monday, March 30, 2009

Moose raided the chicken feed

Dogs were barking randomly tonight, and as I got up to see what was going on I noticed these guys out in the side yard between the porch and the outhouse.

They were munching on willow branches and we're looking pretty hungry. This time of year is hard on them as far as food goes, its getting pretty sparce. Then I look over at the chicken coop and notice that they have raided and completely eaten the chicken/rabbit food. We just bought a 50# bag yesterday. They knocked the container on the ground, broke the lid off and had proceeded to spread it all over the snow. When I walked over to check it out, the little guy decided he hadn't gotten enough earlier and came over to finish it off.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Moose out in the driveway

Heard some rumblings from outside and the dogs were acting a little weird, so I got up and looked out to the driveway. Cow and two calf moose were eating up our willows along the road. Just snapping off big sections of branch and chewing on them. I am just glad that I didn't let the dogs out to investigate before I noticed the moose.
I put some video up on youtube here.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Dad came up for some wintertime relaxation. We had a great time and really enjoyed his company. He stayed with us at the cabin all but one night. He appreciates the outhouse like no one else seems to.

Dad's last night at our cabin. 3 dogs and 3 people in a 16'x20'.