Monday, March 29, 2010

Smooth and level garage slab, Chrissy & dogs

Smooth and level garage slab, Chrissy & dogs
Originally uploaded by justinmaple

All wrapped up


Originally uploaded by justinmaple

Dan stopped by with his plow and plowed the driveway for us so we didnt have to drag this surfacer back up the driveway. That would have been some real work.


Originally uploaded by justinmaple

Blending the darker and lighter concrete. Lots of dust.

Reason for the grinding

Reason for the grinding
Originally uploaded by justinmaple

Last fall we put down some concrete patcher in this area to bring it up a little bit. Because of some faulty bull floating on my part, this corner sat a little bit low and we didn't want our first big project having some sort of ugly reminder of our amateur status forever. We patched it only to find out that the patcher was about 10 shades darker than all the surrounding concrete. The surfacer made short work of the problem and evened the color perfectly. Here is Chrissy after she first got started grinding.

Electric concrete surfacer

Originally uploaded by justinmaple

We finally got our electric service installed at the pole, so we rented an electric concrete surfacer to even out some spots on the garage pad. Also had to get 150' of 10 guage extension cord so we could power the beast. The extension cord was double the cost of renting the surfacer.


Originally uploaded by justinmaple

Snorri keeping tabs on things.

Moving snow

Moving snow
Originally uploaded by justinmaple

Snow removal. Painfully slow. The only good thing about having the second lowest snow year on record this year.

Garage pad shoveling

Garage pad shoveling
Originally uploaded by justinmaple

Came back into town from Chena Hot Springs and started to work doing snow removal from our garage pad. Lots of work.

cabin in the woods

cabin in the woods
Originally uploaded by justinmaple

Had a nice retreat to the woods and hot springs a few weeks ago. Stayed in a great cabin that some friends watch for its owner.