Sunday, August 26, 2007

Thoughts on living in the cabin

Yesterday I was talking to a friend about how much I love living in the cabin. Already it has taught me so much about preparedness and thinking ahead. It’s taught me about appreciation for the things that we take for granted on a daily basis. For example, I’m so accustomed to turning on the faucet and consuming an infinite amount of water, and now I use just a trickle to wash my hands. Before there was this unknown person or company supplying the water and now I have become the supplier. It’s me who has to go to the spring to get it and it’s me who has to carry it up into the loft. Trash is another issue. We’re also responsible for taking our trash to the dump, which has in turn made me acutely aware of how much we throw away. Cooking- in order to use the stove we have to have propane in the tank. The list goes on. Living in the cabin has raised my awareness of the present and at the same time has forced me to logistically consider the future.


63° and sunny

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